Wednesday, 16 April 2014

The Lowdown on Lamb Offal

Well, the butcher did ask us if the lamb kidneys, liver and hearts were for the dog... I now understand why. Sort of.

The reason we got lamb offal was simply the short notice we gave him. And since we're generally feeling pretty adventurous, we said "why not?".

So what was the verdict? Not too favourable, I'm afraid.

  • Lamb kidneys behave like little bouncy rubber balls and taste of barn. A barn full of sheep. Pooping sheep. 
  • Lamb liver tasted plain weird. The pâté tasted as if a whole bottle of shampoo had been dropped into the batter. Lil T didn't seem to mind too much though. 
  • Lamb heart stuffed with lamb mince and wrapped in bacon was a winner though. Tasted of lamb, yet not too strongly. The free anatomy lesson was a bonus. Let's just say that some parts are easily recognisable. 

Anyhow, next up is organic, free range beef offal. Lamb was just a bit too weird.


  1. Good that I saw you're review before this weekend. I'm having some friends over and I want to treat them to something a bit "unusual". Do you have any good tips? E.g. recipe for sheep testicles or pig heart? =)

  2. Hej!! Oxhjärta eller nöthjärta var bäst hittills. Om du har ett bra grytrecept, helst innehållandes rödvin, kör det! Köttet blir som grytkött, men MYCKET mer intressant i smak och konsistens.

    1. Hmm, förra kommentaren jag la "tog" inte riktigt. Tack så mycket för tipset =) Nu måste jag ut och jaga, för det är inte tipptopp med utbudet häromkring. Dock fick jag kontakt med en lokal kille som sålde KRAV-märkta koinälvor =)

    2. Perfa! Visst är det kul när man hittar en bra leverantör!! Jag hoppas ff på att Bosarp kan fixa kycklinglever och hjärtan, men det vete katten. Kram kram, berätta gärna hur det går!
