Wednesday, 31 October 2018
#kvass on a rainy day ❤️ #fermentation #fermentering #escapetopp #stenålderskost #paleo #paulssonpaleo
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Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Jake banging in fence posts. Love this little guys energy, he couldn’t wait to get out and do some ‘farm work’. Always nice when the family comes to visit! #nephew #farmfit #uk #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Monday, 29 October 2018
Christmas flavours, candy colours, bacterial feast. 😂 The Xmas #sauerkraut has been started, see you at the Xmas market in #simlångsdalen on December 8th. #stenålderskost #paleolitiskkost #paulssonpaleo #surkål #escapetopp
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Ikväll öppnar vi hjärtat och utforskar nya bakåtböjningar. Välkomna! #yoga #simlångsdalen #bakåtböjning #backbend
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I preach the following to my fermentation students: “don’t bend the rules until you master them. And when you bend the rules, know which ones to bend and which ones to respect”. Or pay the consequences. Which usually means having to pour out slimey kraut to the chickens. Or moldy kraut. Or smelly kraut. I’ve made all of those mistakes, because I love improvising. 😂 And because that way I can tell my students what happens when they don’t listen, ha ha. #paulssonpaleo #paleo #paleolitiskkost #stenålderskost #escapetopp #fermentering #surkål
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Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Last day of slaughter. Thank f for that. We finished with two ram lambs, @catpbish and @cillahp working in tandem to skin and disembowel the bodies. Not pictured: our main gunman @nomispohsib And no, slaughter isn’t fun, those smiles are hiding utter exhaustion... 😵 #paulssonpaleo
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Thursday, 18 October 2018
It’s an outdoor yoga kinda day. Time to prep for Gentle Yoga tonight (definitely indoors). ❤️ #yoga #octobersunshine #grateful
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Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Calm, focused and precise....thats what it takes. #selfsufficient #paulssonpaleo
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Friday, 12 October 2018
Dinner sorted. Cauliflower, beetroot, parsnips, onions, sweet potatoes. #beyondorganic #homegrown #paleo #freshfromtheground #growyourown
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Thursday, 11 October 2018
So beautiful. ❤️ #beautiful #gutefår #sheep #slaughter #hemslakt
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Nougat paleo balls. The new favourite flavour. Hazelnuts, a little less cocoa than usual and a little bit more coconut oil. 😍 A treat for the Sunday course in fermentation. #paulssonpaleo
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Last night in #simlångsdalen 😍 #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo
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Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Mixing the home grown veg with a helluva lot of weeds. I love weeds. 😍 They may sting you and try to suffocate all your pretty veg, but they also survive almost anything the extreme climate throws at them, while providing you with waaaayyyy more nutrients than the cultivated stuff. #stenålderskost #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #paleo #paulssonpaleo
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@catpbish and @cillahp are preparing for another morning of butchery, this time without the support of @nomispohsib Cat, our in-house yogi and accountant, is by far the most talented butcher of us all. It’s quite remarkable to see new talents uncovered in people you thought you knew “everything” about. ❤️ #paleo #stenålderskost #simlångsdalen #cleanmeat #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #grassfed #gräsbetat
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Monday, 8 October 2018
Beetroot straight out of our soil, straight into a new #kvass - ready for our next #fermentation course this coming weekend. #syratisimlångsdalen #paulssonpaleo #stenålderskost #simlångsdalen #paleo
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Sunday, 7 October 2018
After hanging and drying for 4 days, we butcher and bag up the lamb meat to store in our freezers. This gives us meat all year round. #lamb #selfsufficient #gutefår #stenålderskost #cleanmeat #grassfed #paulssonpaleo
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Harvest festival-time! 🍅 So excited to be at Tjolöholms Skördefest today. 🍅 #paulssonpaleo #cometalktous
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Friday, 5 October 2018
Salt-curing the sheep skin, before they go off to the tanners. #sheep #slaughter #grassfed #selfsufficient #paulssonpaleo #farming #nosetotail #primal #stenålderskost
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Thursday, 4 October 2018
Egen blodpudding. Sylt på bär från skogen. Sallad på kål från grannen, äpplen från en annan granne, grönt från trädgården och paprika från tunnlarna. #tacksam
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Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Black pudding in the making. 😋 #selfsufficient #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #paleo #stenålderskost
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Tonight’s dinner: offal meatloaf with all the flavours. Parsley, chives, thyme and mint. #growyourown #beyondorganic #selfsufficient
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Some last minute, badly needed tidying in an old pig field. We are hoping this field is good enough for grazing our sheep next year. #scything #lie #grassfed #sheep #farmfit #gutefår #selfsufficient #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Her face says: stop being the paparazzi and go get me some water ffs. 😂 @nomispohsib is busy prepping black pudding. #paulssonpaleo #paleo #escapetopp #stenålderskost
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Monday, 1 October 2018
Barnets position. Hit återvänder vi gång på gång för att tillåta oss själva bara vara och hämta ny energi. Yoga behöver inte vara fysiskt utmanande och jag ställer ofta frågan: ”vad är mer utmanande för dig; att göra mer eller att göra mindre?” Att göra mindre är inte bättre eller sämre. Bara du kan avgöra vad som är rätt för dig, din kropp, din själ. #yoga #barnetsposition #balasana #dinkropp
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It’s the first day of this years slaughter season. It is always a difficult time, but our priority is always to be calm and give the animal our full attention. We do everything ourselves and at our farm, so as to cause minimal stress to the animal and our other animals. #slaughter #gutefår #sheep #grassfed #selfsufficient #cleanmeat #knowyourfood #beyondorganic #paleo #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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