Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Meat on veg. Herbs and salt. Done. We don’t do complicated on this farm. 😂 #autoimmunepaleo #autoimmuneprotocol #paleo #escapetopaulssonpaleo #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo #stenålderskost #gräsbetat
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PaulssonPaleo Yoga program for 2018 now includes some running also - Yoga och Jogga! Great combo! #yoga #jogga #löpning #run #borntorun #benimble #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #simlångsdalen
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Monday, 30 October 2017
Christmas #sauerkraut in the making. #paleo #escapetopaulssonpaleo #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo #stenålderskost #fermentation #surkål
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Good morning! Yoga tonight. Can’t wait and can’t wipe the smile off my face. Pranayama, sunshine and coffee does that. 🙏 (Despite the 4:30 wake-up from mini yogi.). #paulssonpaleo #pranayama #yoga #yogaescape #simlångsdalen #sunshine #love #lovelife
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Sunday, 29 October 2017
The infamous Club Hill Race for today’s training session - 1.8km with over 100m elevation. #sif #benimble #löpning #run #barefoot #borntorun #functionalfootwear #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #paulssonpaleo
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Saturday, 28 October 2017
Bubbles....PaulssonPaleo style for our latest guests celebrating their anniversary! @ekologisktkonceptcafe #bröllopsdag #kombucha #surkål #homemade #welcome #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Thursday, 26 October 2017
White #kimchi for the #aip crowd in the clan. Chili is off the menu for a while. #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #escapetopaulssonpaleo #paleo #autoimmuneprotocol #autoimmunepaleo
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Sowing grass seed collected from the grass we scythed and dried on a field turned over and fertilised by our pigs! #recycle #reuse #cover #farming #paulssonpaleo #escapetoPP #fieldmanagement
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Wednesday, 25 October 2017
As much as I love my #joenimble shoes, nothing compares to barefoot. Even a tiny bit of material between you and the turf will exacerbate any imbalances you may have. And I have plenty. #paulssonpaleo #barefoot #functionalfootwear
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Dra på trissor, men vi har faktiskt fyllt vår inälvskurs den 25/11 en månad i förväg. Som grädde på moset välkomnar vi två guldklimpar till lokala köttbönder som vurmar för ekologiskt och GRÄSBETAT - nämligen Linnebergs och Finsbo gårdar. Ni fattar vad roligt! #paulssonpaleo #paleo #stenålderskost #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationsimlangsdalen #gräsbetat
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The uniform changes slightly with the seasons. Wool jumper and socks. Check. #winteriscoming #paulssonpaleo #yoga #morningmeditation #calm #peace
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Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Kryddor: morot, selleri, salvia, oregano, gräslök, libbsticka, pepparrot, persilja! All dried and from the garden! #homegrown #homemade #dried #selfsufficient #herbs #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #simlångsdalen
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When your functional footwear - zero drop, huge toe box - arrives from Finland. ❤️ They are WATERPROOF. #feelmax #barefoot #paulssonpaleo
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Monday, 23 October 2017
5x viparita karani in our studio tonight. These yogis brighten up my Monday evenings and make me want to be the best teacher I can be. 💜 #yoga #simlångsdalen #mondaynight #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo #viparitakarani #legsupthewall
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Winter is coming! #wood #firewood #winterfuel #keepwarm #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #simlångsdalen #7dagarbilden
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Sunday, 22 October 2017
1 week old today...we celebrate with a birthday weigh in. 1.57 kg, making gains from her birth weight of 1kg. #lamb #bottlefed #gutefår #sheep #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #halmstad #simlångsdalen
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Saturday, 21 October 2017
@annfernholm and the metabolically challenged Abbe. Hilarious and thought-provoking presentation on the ill effects of sugar, in particular fructose. #trondheim #kostholdskonferansen #stenålderskost #paleo #kostreform #annfernholm #kostfonden #ettsötareblod
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Good job she is so cute, it makes getting up at 01.00 and 04.00 to feed her a little more bearable! #lamb #bottlefed #5daysold #gutefår #sheep #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Friday, 20 October 2017
Last minute prep ahead of conference. Can’t wait! #kostreform #paleo #paleo #stenålderskost #kostholdskonferansen #trondheim
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Attempting lamb selfie. My turn to do the feeding and massaging. Jessica is not overly impressed with my skills, but tolerates me. #gutefår #bottlelamb #paulssonpaleo
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The one and only @paleoterapeuten in his office, prepping ahead of tomorrow’s #kostholdskonferansen Notice how he’d rather be lying down than sitting at a desk. 🤓 #moveyourdna #paulssonpaleo #
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Fish cakes, cauliflower, kimchi, moose salami, seed crackers and olive oil. OMG. #stenålderskost #paleo #paulssonpaleo
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Thursday, 19 October 2017
These guys! #ramlambs #gutefår #sheep #grassfed #organic #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #halmstad #simlångsdalen
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Nerdy reading, eggs-bacon-nutbread and bone broth @inthepinkrealfoodandcoffee Great start to my journey! #paulssonpaleo #kostholdskonferansen #paleo #stenålderskost
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Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Packing ahead of trip to Trondheim to participate in #kostholdskonferansen in Trondheim. Looking forward to hearing @annfernholm speaking at the conference! #paulssonpaleo
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We’ve got five hens that are still working diligently through the low season. 💚
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Waiting for our turn at the @joenimble photoshoot. #nimbletoes
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Photoshoot with @joenimble in Partille. #workinit #barefootfeeling #barefootshoes #footwear
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Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Jessika slipping and sliding across our kitchen floor. She got the hang of it pretty quickly, Bambi no more. #paulssonpaleo #destinationhalmstad #halmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #simlångsdalen #gutefår
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Freshly picked eggs, herbs and chanterelles. Ok, the chanterelles were from last night. Ok, and the eggs too. The herbs on the other hand! #paulssonpaleo #simlångsdalen #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #paleo #stenålderskost
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Monday, 16 October 2017
Tiny Jessika with her enormous feeding bottle. 😂 She thanked me by leaving a giant yellow poo on my top and trousers. 👌🏼😁 #paulssonpaleo
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#kimchi chopping. I read somewhere that South Korea fared rather well in the last avian flu epidemic, presumably thanks to their love for fermented foods (and as a result their well coached immune defense). Who knows, but it’s worth a try, no? #paulssonpaleo
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Feeding our newest member in 2 hour shifts throughout the night...#lamb #gutefår #feeding #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #paulssonpaleo #halmstad #simlångsdalen
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Sunday, 15 October 2017
Mamma and (surprise) lamb starting to bond...phew! #gutefår #sheep #lamb #farm #selfsufficient #paulssonpaleo #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #simlångsdalen
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Kombucha 💜 Surkål Kurshelg den 11-12/11! Välj en eller två kurser, med eller utan övernattning. Mer info på vår Facebooksida/evenemang.
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When you think you deserve a bit of peace and quiet and your sheep decide to throw you a curve ball. Happy Sunday! #gutefår #paulssonpaleo #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #simlångsdalen #halmstad
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Friday, 13 October 2017
Good job today Stephan! #Repost @khayelitsha_triathlon (@get_repost) ・・・ Amazing results today💥💪🏃🏽👍 Thank,s Simon certified coach at BTR "Born To Run" for your support👏👏 #aimingforkona #prestationskläder #mizunorunning #sportson #sportsonhalmstad #gitec #bendtbil #bengtiörkelljunga #orcaswimrun #khayelitshatriathlon #kona55 #spezializedbikes #ironmantraining #söderbergpartners #rangeservant
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#Repost @nomispohsib (@get_repost) ・・・ Waking the feet up with some Toe-ga this morning with @stephanartursson a BTR client. #borntorun #toega #feet #mobility #strength #moveyourdna #runcoach #löp #löpträning #paulssonpaleo @btrsportsclub #benimble
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I’m so cute it hurts. #halmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #paulssonpaleo #gutefår #escapetopp
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Thursday, 12 October 2017
Boy are we glad we found the butcher’s block at the summer flea market. #paulssonpaleo #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #simlångsdalen #halmstad
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Funny how none of the instruction videos online show an actual grown pig... This gives you an idea of how big this lady is and how much work we’ve got ahead of us. 😱 #halmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #paulssonpaleo
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Cat readying the tools for partitioning up the pig. Wood or metal saw blade...? No pig blade to be found, ha ha. #escapetopaulssonpaleo #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #simlångsdalen #halmstad
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Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Awesome to see the local Simlångsdalen brewery @breared.brewery on the front page of the local paper! Big up local businesses! #local #simlångsdalen #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #7dagarbilden #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Mid-run chat with our ram lambs. #run #löpning #borntorun #gutefår #farmfit #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #squat #sittapåhuk #sheep #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Tuesday, 10 October 2017
George, the goddess of destruction. She was in the sheeps’ winter field for a mere week but managed to dig up most of it. Good job! 😬 Now that she’s gone, we’re making the most of the autumn sun to piece the turf back together. Tomorrow at some point the rain is coming back, so we better hurry. #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #escapetopaulssonpaleo
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Hopping around with @gourgen and @btrsportsclub at @traningskompaniet last night. Another mindful intro into injury free running! #run #löpning #borntorun #freeyourfeet #moveyourdna #foothealth #barefoot
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That was one happy pig that just left us. 🐷💚 #paulssonpaleo
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Monday, 9 October 2017
Autumn is here, but there's still plenty to harvest! #beyondorganic #growyourown #radish #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Morning swim. Nothing like sub-zero degrees to wake you up. 😳 #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #escapetopaulssonpaleo #escapetopp #wimhofsweden
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Trying out a strap in half shoulderstand. I think it's a winner. I hope my yogis tonight think so too. #yoga #escapetopp #ardhasarvangasana
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