Friday, 26 July 2019

A huge, huge thank you to these two amazing people, Janne and Peder! They let us borrow their tractor and trailer to bring home their hay bales as they had too many. #blessed #community . Check link in bio for more information. . . . #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #simlångsdalen #simlangsdalen #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #halland #destinationhalland #visitsweden #visithalland #enjoyhalmstad #farming #farmfit #nature #green #paleo #stenålderskost #stenalderskost #paleolitiskkost #paleosverige #sverige #schweden #sweden

Foot long carrot. . #growyourownveg #carrot #paulssonpaleo #beyondorganic #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #visithalland

Iced tea to keep cool and hydrated. With lots of herbs. Unbelievable heat at the moment, but we’re still going (kinda) strong. The B&B is fully booked and we’re harvesting grass and vegetables. 🌱 . #paulssonpaleo #icedtea #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #visithalland

Dagens yoghurt till B&B-gästerna. Nykokt sylt på blandade bär i botten, blåbär och viol på toppen. Så roligt att servera vackra, färska och nyttiga saker! 🌸 #paulssonpaleo #comestaywithus #bedandbreakfast #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #visithalland