Sunday, 30 September 2018
All hands onboard ahead of slaughter. This part of the stables will be seeing a lot of action in the next few weeks. 14 lambs in total, including all the ewe lambs unfortunately. Here’s to hoping for a moderately warm summer next year, so we can keep more lambs. 😞 Thanks to lil T and @roots_mind_motion for starting the process. ❤️ #paulssonpaleo #stenålderskost #simlångsdalen #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #paleo #escapetopp
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Friday, 28 September 2018
Can you imagine my surprise when I dug up these beauties!? I was expecting some sweet potatoes the size of my finger. 😍 #success #hooray #growyourown #beyondorganic #sweetpotatoes
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Thursday, 27 September 2018
Gästerna från #ladiescirclehalmstad fick testa både vilda och förädlade växter till paleobrödet, den hemmagjorda leverpastejen, kokta tungan och de fermenterade grönsakerna. Kul att kunna bjuda på riktigt bra mat! Javisst, vi får inte glömma ankäggen med den perfekta gulan. 😍 #paulssonpaleo #stenålderskost #paleo #escapetopp
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Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Read about our next YOGA ESCAPE on November 10th on our website. 🙏 #yoga #yogaescape
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Monday, 24 September 2018
Almost time for slaughter again and we are still making our way through last year’s lamb. Good thing that it’s a favourite among large and small at the farm. ❤️ #lamb #growyourown #beyondorganic #roastonamonday
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Sunday, 23 September 2018
Syrningsdagen kan börja! 💚💚💚 #paulssonpaleo #fermentation #stenålderskost #paleo
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Friday, 21 September 2018
Rainy day reading. 😍 #paulssonpaleo #fermentation
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There is no excuse for not finding us now! #newroadsign #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo #comevisitus #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Kom och testa surkål på @smakapahalmstad
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Time to clean up, organise and hunker down. First big storm heading our way over the weekend, so we spent some time making sure everything is safe and secure...including what’s left in the vegetable garden #storm #highwinds #vegetables #farming #organic #eatclean #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #farmfit
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Thursday, 20 September 2018
No filter does beetroot #kvass any justice. 😍 #fermentation #fermentering #syradegrönsaker #probiotika #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo
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Monday, 17 September 2018
Carrots for dinner. Slightly lacking in size due to hot summer, but great taste! #growyourown #beyondorganic #paleo #stenålderskost
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Sunday, 16 September 2018
Nytt schema från v 42. Senare tid på torsdagar. Välkomna! #yoga #simlångsdalen
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Friday, 14 September 2018
Our kitchen any night of the week. 😍 #stenålderskost #paleolitiskkost #simlångsdalen #paulssonpaleo #paleo #escapetopp #eatseasonably #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #visithalland #visitsweden
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Monday, 10 September 2018
The weather calls for candles and maybe some upwards-facing dogs with the yogi-cat. ❤️ #yoga #yogicat
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Saturday, 8 September 2018
Harvesting potatis by the wheelbarrow load! #growyourown #vegetables #harvest #potatoes #squat #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Good old dependable Kale! So much to harvest and lots of kale chips to eat! #kale #growyourown #vegetables #harvest #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Good morning and welcome to my office. I have been asked to guide a morning yoga session tomorrow @stedsansinthewoods I am so excited! It’s going to be magical! #morningyoga
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Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Finally getting round to splitting up some large bits of oak. Will leave to dry out for a few seasons and then it will provide us with some much needed winter warmth! #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp. #Repost @nomispohsib Today’s workplace...splitting up some huge lumps of oak. #farmfit #winterfuel #axe #granforsbruks #farming #benimble #moveyourdna
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Magical morning, moving and feeding the chicken in our orchard. #chickshaw #chickens #freerange #family #jobsbeforebreakfast #mornings #psulssonpaleo #escapetopp #permaculture
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Monday, 3 September 2018
Morning magic in the woods. Run and then dip in the now rain-swollen river. #simlångsdalen #paulssonpaleo #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #halmstad
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Saturday, 1 September 2018
When 90% of what’s on your plate is from the farm... wow. Meat and ten veg, including fermented goodies. So proud of how far we’ve come. #simlångsdalen #bedandbreakfast #paulssonpaleo #destinationhalmstad #halmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #escapetopp #eatyourgreens #eatseasonably #paleo #paleolitiskkost #stenålderskost #gräsbetat #grassfed #gutefår
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Ceps/ porcini/ Karl Johan and a few other related mushrooms. Half an hour job for two people. Oh yeah. #simlångsdalen #paulssonpaleo #destinationhalmstad #halmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #escapetopp
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