Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Pranayama: controlling your breath, your energy and your mind. Balancing movement and stillness. Join us for “Jogga och Yoga” on April 21st. #joggaochyoga #pranayama #yoga #paulssonpaleo #löpning #running #simlångsdalen #halmstad #visithalmstad
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Tuesday, 30 January 2018
Syrningshelg 17-18/2. Boka hos 💚 #fermentation #fermentering #surkål #kimchi #kvass #kombucha #paleo #paulssonpaleo #stenålderskost #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad #halland
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10+ bags of newly shorn wool for our vegetable patch from our lovely neighbor mr H. 💚 #paleo #paulssonpaleo #simlångsdalen #halmstad #halland #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #stenålderskost
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Monday, 29 January 2018
Vi blir inte bara mer flexibla genom yoga. Vi blir starkare också. Armar, axlar, core i planka och chatturanga. Yoga är det perfekta komplementet till löpning. 💪 Jogga och yoga med oss den 21:a april. #joggaochyoga #yoga #löpning #paulssonpaleo #paulssonpaleoretreat #hängmedoss #barfotalöpning #skadefrilöpning #rörelseglädje
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Seeking inspiration for tonight’s yoga session. Any suggestions. Apart from the obvious 1hr savasana. 😂 Thinking about strength maybe. #hm #yoga #strength #paulssonpaleo
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Friday, 26 January 2018
Sharing is caring. ❤️Time to sow those celeriac. 🌱 #organic #growyourown #paulssonpaleo
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Minor chaos when trying to sort through and plan this year’s seeds. ❤️ Love it. 💚 #springisalmosthere #beyondorganic #growyourown #selfsufficient #paulssonpaleo #excitement #seedgeeks
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Thursday, 25 January 2018
Wakey, wakey. Yoga to wake up the whole body. So much for easing into it. 😄 #yoga #sideplank #wakeup #paulssonpaleo #ohyeah
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It’s national hug a pig day. Actually, Peppa isn’t too interested in my hugs anymore. Probably because she’s in crazy nesting mode, preparing for piglets. ❤️ #paleo #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #simlångsdalen #halmstad #halland #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Wednesday, 24 January 2018
Picture evidence of my first post baby jog. I only waited ten months. It felt good, but I’ll be sore tomorrow. #Repost @nomispohsib with @get_repost ・・・ #joggaochyoga #benimble #run #joenimble #trails #barefootrunning #functionalfootwear #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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#Repost @nomispohsib ・・・ Run no.10: 12km (Total 139km) Out with @catpbish for the first few km! Then headed off to see how long our road is....! #benimble #run #borntorun #btrcoach #joenimble #btrsportsclub #trails #barefootrunning #functionalfootwear #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Tuesday, 23 January 2018
Some repair work to the pig sty was much appreciated! #linderöd #Hampshire #pigs #gris #diy #farm #sleepy #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Monday, 22 January 2018
Kimchimorötter, check! Nästa helgs fermenteringskurser kräver en del förarbete. Dessa morötter är snabbsyrade (mellan 6-10 dagar i kylskåp räcker, även ännu längre tid gör dem gott). #paleo #paulssonpaleo #fermentation #fermentering #stenålderskost
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Sunday, 21 January 2018
So excited about our new half day workshop: ‘Jogga o Yoga’ with Simon and Catharina. Full programme on website. #husbandandwifedreamteam #run #yoga #joggaoyoga #borntorun #benimble @joenimble @joenimblese @btrsportsclub #happyfeet #trailrunning #halmstad7dagar #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Saturday, 20 January 2018
The grandparents of the clan on their daily walk. What would we do without them? Each and every one of us brings something to the table that none of the others possess. Choosing to live together like may be the biggest challenge of our lives, but it is also what makes us strong. ❤️ #paulssonpaleo #simlångsdalen #halmstad #halland #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalland #visithalland #escapetopp #paleo #stenålderskost
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Auntie’s little sauerkraut helper. 💚 #fermentation #sauerkraut #surkål #paulssonpaleo #simlångsdalen #halmstad #halland #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalland #visithalland #escapetopp #paleo #stenålderskost
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T out feeding the chickens in the snow. #chickens #höns #freerange #farming #feedingtime #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad7dagar
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Friday, 19 January 2018
Nytt spännande samarbete på g! Stresshantering med medveten andning och rörelse står på schemat inför nästa #paulssonpaleo upplevelse. Tack till Peter från @thisisflawd och @konstenattandas för ett givande samtal! Vi ser fram emot att jobba med dig och Anton. ❤️ #paleo #stenålderskost #escapetopp #halmstad #Halland #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalland #visithalland
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Wakey wakey! Fed the sheep barefoot. What started out as a pleasant experience quickly turned painful. 😂 Need to toughen up. #earthing #grounding #paulssonpaleo
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Amazing sunrise over river Assman (great name!). #paleo #stenålderskost #paulssonpaleo #simlångsdalen #halmstad #halland #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalland #visithalland #escapetopp
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Waiting in an orderly fashion! Breakfast duties involve lots of grass for our gutefår sheep, especially when there is snow about. #gutefår #sheep #farming #snow #winterwonderland #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #halmstad7dagar
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Thursday, 18 January 2018
Batch cooking queen in the house. 👸🏻 Veg for tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s lunch done. #paleo #stenålderskost #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo
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#Repost @nomispohsib (@get_repost) ・・・ Run no.8: 18km (Total 101km). Woohoo! A celebratory hop for getting over the 100km mark for 2018. #run #borntorun #benimble @joenimble @joenimblese @btrsportsclub #happyfeet #snow #trailrunning #halmstad7dagar #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Sisters bending backwards. Open your heart. ❤️ #yoga #urdvadhanurasana #wheelpose #paulssonpaleo
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Yoga ikväll. ☃️ Drop-in platser finns om någon är sugen. #välkommen #yoga #simlångsdalen #dropinclass
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Kannesten ligger inbäddat i snö igen. Jag rekommenderar starkt den alternativa vägen till oss ikväll. Rakt uppför Brödabacken (25:an), höger vid Fägrilt-skylten, höger i korsningen (skylt Brunshult). Nerför backarna och så ligger vi på vänster sida. #snö #vinterlandskap #karta #paulssonpaleo
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Wednesday, 17 January 2018
Always on the lunch menu: more or less photogenic liver pâté. This one was a bit crumbly... #paleo #stenålderskost #escapetopp #paulssonpaleo #halmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen
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Last night’s usual candle-lit dinner chaos with five adults and two kids. We’ve learned how to batch cook like queens in these last three years. Key take-away: batch cooked meals don’t photograph well. 😂 #paleo #paulssonpaleo #tribe #clan #escapetopp #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #simlångsdalen #halmstad #stenålderskost
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Tuesday, 16 January 2018
Post-coffee shot. Badly needed caffeine hit ahead of taking on the website. #paulssonpaleo #paleo #halmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #stenålderskost #escapetopp
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Coffee for two tired sisters. Good morning from #paulssonpaleo ! 😵 #paleo #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #simlångsdalen #stenålderskost #
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Monday, 15 January 2018
Half a ton of hay from our lovely organic farmer friend mr T. So grateful! ❤️ #paulssonpaleo #paleo #halmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #escapetopp #stenålderskost
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Chaturanga drills with shoulder taps. Ouch. My form got progressively worse. #yoga #chaturanga #strength #paulssonpaleo
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Who knew how thinking this new life of ours actually requires? I’ve never been challenged like this before and yet I get so much joy out of it. The creativity and energy that I never thought was part of my genetic set-up surprises me again and again. #paulssonpaleo #paleo #stenålderskost #halmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #escapetopp
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Wednesday, 10 January 2018
❤️ Idag var jag tillbaka på Tallis för att guida yoga. Tack för förtroendet @ericsson.lotta ❤️ #Repost @paulssonpaleo (@get_repost) ・・・ Yoga + konferens = sant! Ikväll fick jag ge fyra grabbar en smygtitt på yogans värld. Jag tror och hoppas att jag väckte lite intresse. Så kul att guida de som är helt nya till yogan. #yoga #yogapåkonferens #paulssonpaleo #destinationsimlangsdalen #simlångsdalen #eatmeetretreat #tallhöjden
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Yoga + konferens = sant! Ikväll fick jag ge fyra grabbar en smygtitt på yogans värld. Jag tror och hoppas att jag väckte lite intresse. Så kul att guida de som är helt nya till yogan. #yoga #yogapåkonferens #paulssonpaleo #destinationsimlangsdalen #simlångsdalen #eatmeetretreat #tallhöjden
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Yogagrejerna åker på utflykt till Tallhöjden. Ett gäng på konferens får prova på yoga ikväll. #yoga #paulssonpaleo #destinationsimlångsdalen #simlångsdalen #eatmeetretreat #tallhöjden
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We had a bumper crop of potatoes this year. We don’t really eat them ourselves, but two adult pigs go through a huge amount everyday. 🐖❤️🥔 #growyourown #selfsufficient #beyondorganic #piglove #paulssonpaleo #simlångsdalen
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Tuesday, 9 January 2018
New Year challenge is to get out and run more, so a marathon a week it is! That’s over 2018km in 2018! #Repost @nomispohsib (@get_repost) ・・・ Run no.4: 20km (Total 51km). Chasing long shadows for most of the run...great route on road and trail around Simlångsdalen. #borntorun #btrcoach #benimble #nimbletoes #moveyourdna #run #löpning #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad
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Messy start to the day. Two mongrel roosters were ready for slaughter. #paulssonpaleo #paleo #stenålderskost #halmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #escapetopp
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Monday, 8 January 2018
Splitting up parts of a 120 year oak tree that we trimmed back last year due to its proximity to the road. Bet this tree would have some stories to tell! #splitting #oak #winterfuel #selfsufficient #sustainable #wod #grandforsbruks #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Piecing together the last 12 months with the sheep for the gene bank brings back some very painful memories. We lost our ewe Deirdre this spring as well as two little lambs. “Being cruel to be kind” is often the only way in these circumstances, but being decisive when choosing between further suffering and death takes both courage and experience. And as a newbie, you may lack both. 💙 #paulssonpaleo #paleo #halmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #escapetopp #gutefår
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Blueberry and aronia cassava porridge to warm up this chilly morning (ok, after doing the feeding round in my skimpy bathrobe, I can’t complain about the cold... 😂). #paulssonpaleo #paleo #escapetopp #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationsimlangsdalen #stenålderskost #paulssonpaleo #aip
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#Repost @nomispohsib (@get_repost) ・・・ Run no.03: 15km (Total 31km) Great run with the SIF guys this morning. Temperature was at -9 and the lake had started to freeze, beautiful sun though! #run #benimble #löpning #btrcoach #borntorun #destinationsimlangsdalen #destinationhalmstad #paulssonpaleo #escapetopp
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Saturday, 6 January 2018
It took four strong men and women to move the pig shed to the new field. Peppa Pig and Galton are now happily digging up their new digs. ❤️ #paulssonpaleo #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #simlångsdalen #destinationsimlangsdalen #paleo #stenålderskost #selfsufficient #självhushållning
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Thursday, 4 January 2018
The meat has now hung for a week, so it’s time to butcher it. I consciously say “meat”. Although half of me still thinks they and him. The one with the little face and big horns. Or the one that resembled a goat. Or Harriet’s black ram lamb. They all had personalities and quirks. Remembering their sacrifice as they give our family energy and nutrition is my way of honoring them. Because they are never ever actually a piece of meat. They are a part of the circle of life. Of which WE are part as well. Whether we choose to embrace it or deny it. ❤️#paulssonpaleo #paleo #escapetopp #stenålderskost #simlångsdalen #halmstad #destinationhalmstad #destinationsimlangsdalen #gutefår #gräsbetat #grassfed #selfsufficient #självhushållning
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