I received the following letter from one of my clients.
It made me choke up! Here's the translation:
"Good evening. Hope all is well with you. I have to share something with you... My father has for many years had high blood pressure, a lot of excess weight and is a diabetic on insulin... He has finally changed his diet.
On the 23rd of August he made up his mind and started eating according to paleo. The results came fast. He lost a lot of weight. Today he was at the doctor's - in 4 months he has decreased his insulin intake from 26 (extremely high) to 6 units. The doctor believes that my father can go off the insulin completely very soon. The doctor has rarely seen such an improvement. My father has been on insulin for many years. Thought I would share this with you. Isn't it fantastic. You were the start of this journey... Thank you for the inspiration. Big hug from A."
Pretty powerful stuff! Imagine what a few changes to your diet can do to change the trajectory of your health...