Thursday, 29 September 2016
Uchiki kuri pumpkin lighting up the autumn evening. #paulssonpaleo #selfsufficiency #paleo #stenålderskost
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About a bazillion carrots later (I need speed chopping lessons from @strandpensionatet ). Prepping kimchi style carrots ahead of next weekend's fermentation course II. #fermentering #fermentation #paulssonpaleo #paleo #stenålderskost
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Wednesday, 28 September 2016
This freshly pressed apple juice beauty will be apple cider vinegar in a month's time. We're making as much as we can, recalling the disappointment of having to go back to store-bought when we ran out in the spring. #firstworldproblems #paleo #paulssonpaleo #fermentation #fermentering
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Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Caught sight of this outside the kitchen window. #nakenfröpumpa #pumpkinpatch #paulssonpaleo #paleo #stenålderskost
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Loads of yogic breathing planned for today's beginners yoga class. ❤️ #yoga #pranayama
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Monday, 26 September 2016
My favourite place on a Monday: preparing my yoga class on my mat of course. It's going to be another good one. Watch out hamstrings!!! #yoga #simlångsdalen
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KURSER I FERMENTERING Avsmakning av kvass i smakerna lingon, fläderbär och ingefära. Fortsättningskursen den 8:e har fortfarande några platser kvar, likaså grundkursen den 15:e! #stenålderskost #paleo #paulssonpaleo #fermentation #kvass #syrat
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Saturday, 24 September 2016
The ladies are giving it one last go before winter. ❤️ #hedemora #paulssonpaleo #paulssonpaleoretreat #paleo #stenålderskost
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Lunch. Pretty much same thing every day. Bone broth + leftovers. #paulssonpaleo #paleo #aip #lunch #bonebroth #stenålderskost
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Wednesday, 21 September 2016
This beauty is moving to the basement to be enjoyed this winter. #pumpkin #selfsufficient #growyourown
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Vine ripening tomatoes. Almost like a rainbow! I've always wondered how you could buy a whole vine of ripe tomatoes. Mine don't grow that way. #selfsufficient #growyourown #stillsummer
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Today's potato harvest sorted into: human consumption later, human consumption soon and pig consumption. #selfsufficient #potato #organic #growyourown #seasonable
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Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Preparing for tonight's beginners yoga. It's gonna be a good one! #yoga #simlångsdalen
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Monday, 19 September 2016
Testing out new flavor combos for the next batch of #kvass . Elderberry and lemon flavored marigolds. #paulssonpaleo
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Breathe with your feet. Wow, really needed this after a pretty intense period leading up to the autumn market and the first fermentation course of the season. #paulssonpaleo #paulssonpaleoretreat #barefoot
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Saturday, 17 September 2016
Come and see Cecilia at our table at the Höstmarknad in Simlångsdalen! #PaulssonPaleo #simlångsdalen #homegrown #homemade #organic #growyourown
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Friday, 16 September 2016
Imorgon händer det! ❤️ Barnyoga i Simlångsdalen. ❤️ 14.00 på Tallhöjden. #simlångsdalen #halland #yoga #barnyoga
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Thursday, 15 September 2016
Making bags for the autumn market. The Catmeister is a woman of many talents! #paulssonpaleo
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Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Yummy cabbage! What the caterpillars left became pig brekkie. #growyourown #seasonable #selfsufficient
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When you don't inspect your cabbages often enough you end up feeding caterpillars instead. #growyourown
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Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Courgette for dinner then. #selfsufficient #seasonable #growyourown
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New yoga "office". Preparing for tonight's beginners yoga premiere! So excited! #simlångsdalen #yoga #stillsummer
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Why work when you can chill? #paulssonpaleo
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Monday, 12 September 2016
Thanks for the hospitality @paleoterapeuten ! As last time, I'll be heading home with my belly full of weird stuff (ok, so olives for a late second lunch aren't that odd) and my head full of lofty ideas on new courses and cunning schemes for the farm. Until next time! #paleo #permaculture #trondheim #paulssonpaleo
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Sunday, 11 September 2016
When your friends are bigger fermentation geeks than you are... @paleoterapeuten #paulssonpaleo #stenålderskost #paleo #fermentation #surkål
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Spent the weekend with @kneiken.felleshage and Jan Bang, learning about permaculture principles. Plenty of ideas to take home to our little homestead in Sweeeeden. ❤️🇳🇴 #paulssonpaleo #permaculture #kneikenfelleshage #janbang
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Mushroom crazy...forage, forage, forage! The woods around us give us so much! #mushrooms #nettles #woods #naturalfood #paleo #forage #pickyourown #eatseasonably #paulssonpaleo
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Friday, 9 September 2016
Peppa and George making progress turning their field over. They are really fun to have around our farm! #pppigupdate #paulssonpaleo #linderödssvin #hampshirepig #selfsufficient #digdigdig #soilimprovement
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Thursday, 8 September 2016
Morning meditation in tranquility. #yoga #meditate #paulssonpaleo #paulssonpaleoretreat
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Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Scything accident. Two stitches and a fair bit of sniffling in the surgery. #paulssonpaleo #scythe
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Tuesday, 6 September 2016
I just died a little. We've run out of sauerkraut for the autumn market, so need to make a huge batch - yesterday. Not impressed. #paleo #paulssonpaleo #sauerkraut #surkål #stenålderskost
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Monday, 5 September 2016
Serious business. Half of the Paulsson Bishop was busy sorting berries while the gents were put on plum duty. #stenålderskost #paleo #paulssonpaleo
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Friday, 2 September 2016
Last addition to the henhouse. A bit of a straggler, so it will be hanging out in my bra today. #imasucker #hedemora #hens #höns #paulssonpaleo
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Kimchi in the making. #fermentation #fermentering #kimchi #paulssonpaleo #sauerkraut #stenålderskost #paleo
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Höstmarknad/ autumn market #sauerkraut prep. #paulssonpaleo
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Thursday, 1 September 2016
Big drill on the lawn ready for tomorrow's dig - a 200m deep borehole to provide heating and hot water to the new retreat. #greenenergy #groundsourceheatpump #paulssonpaleo #paulssonpaleoretreat #borehole
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Multitasking. Squatting. Sorting berries. #paulssonpaleo #lingon #moveyourdna
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A little gift from the cats. How sweet. #paulssonpaleo
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