Our sheep are molting! Their woollen coats are literally falling off their backs and we are finding wool strewn across the fields, caught on shrubs, rocks and laying on the grass. Our Gutefår sheep are a primitive breed native to Sweden and are well known to shed their fleece in the summer months, there are not many breeds that do.
New look Rambo! |
Our Ram seems to have shed the most, with only a little bit of fleece covering his rear. He looks pretty trim now and his horns look even bigger. The ewes with the darker fleeces, seem to be losing more than those with the lighter fleeces. It is amazing to see how dark their wool is close to the skin and you can see why all of our lambs have a black wool. The ewes do have a very scraggy look about them, so I am sure they will be pleased to get a good shearing!
A scraggy looking Babs and Deidre. |
Our sheep mentor, Bengt, is supposed to popping by any day now to shear them, but I am not sure he will have much to do. We will just keep gathering the wool up from the field, until he comes!