Our latest guests that came to visit were my parents and their good friends Bev and Neil. The trip was a birthday present for Bev, who had just had a BIG birthday! As we are in the middle of building our new guest rooms (see post
'PaulssonPaleo is extending'), they all stayed in Simlångsdalen at the local hotel Tallhöjden, in a lovely little cabin.
Dad and Neil successfully extracting 'Old Codgers Rock' |
We were blessed with really good weather over the weekend, so we spent the whole time outdoors. As with all our guests, they were all really keen to help us out and work the land. I had joked with Dad that we had uncovered the largest rock yet, in one of our new vegetable beds and that him and Neil should try and move it. 5 minutes later I see Dad and Neil running over to the vegetable garden with a scaffold pole in hand. After a lot of pushing and shoving and some important pointers from Mum and Bev, Dad and Neil had lifted the rock out of the hole and rolled it uphill to a nice little corner, where they stabilised it and made it into a little bench! Perfect…'The Old Codgers Rock' was in place! (not named by me!)
It wasn't all hard work, they did alot of walking as well, the next day after an amazing Sunday roast at Tallhöjden, we all walked to Danska Fall and then back to ours. It is always lovely to wander around the beautiful wooded trails with guests and even though my parents had walked it before, the woods change so much with the seasons that it feels like a different place. Tora came with us to Danska Fall and had a blast singing nursery rhymes and marching though the woods with Grandma and Aunty Bev. They had a song for everything and by the end Tora was absolutely shattered.
Hike to Danska Fall |
The next day brought more sunshine and more eagerness to work. We planned out a series of jobs which included filling the new vegetable beds with compost and organic matter, planting some recycled bushes, cutting down and removing some smaller, dead trees from a clearing and making fence posts from the trunks. A very productive day ensued with breaks to say 'Hi' to the new lambs and being held captive by Tora in her house!
Standard days work on the farm |
The final day was more relaxed and we spent some time in Halmstad, walking along the river and looking in the shops. We spent time in Halmstad's notorious library, Bev is a librarian so was keen to see the facilities that our fancy library has to offer.
We, thank you all for making the visit so much fun!