Fantastic weather, hundreds of visitors, a PaulssonPaleo stand that turned out JUST the way we wanted and a raucous Oktoberfest in the evening. Saturday was a success!
The little stand to the right was perfect for shy Swedes who didn't want to make conversation... |
I think we're all in a bit of a daze now. The market lasted just over three hours, however the preparations went on for months and coincided with the busiest months on the farm. Everything is new to us - the animals, the rules, the physical labour, the regulations, the house, the farm, the land, the soil, the business, the paperwork, the permits, the social & business networks, the country, the region, the language (for Si!), the culture (for all of us!), communal living (perhaps the most difficult?)... The list goes on. Looking at it makes me realize just how far we've come and how hard we've worked. Maybe it's ok to feel a bit tired.
Our friends Martina and Chris kept the kids busy on the slack line all day long |
Anyhow, the paleo-ish balls went down a treat with some of our visitors, whereas others really didn't like them at all (but still came back for more, you know who you are, ha ha). So for all those paleolites with a sweet tooth out there, here is the recipe once again. I think paleo-ish is a better descriptor than paleo for them, however, as I am pretty sure none of our stone age ancestors enjoyed them with their espresso... ;-)
Sauerkraut to the left and right, paleo balls with sheep/ cat/ rooster pics in the middle |
PALEO BALLS - 20 pieces
(unless you make really big ones, or eat all of the dough and only get 10)
2 dl nuts/ seeds (preferably soaked and dried/ roasted, google blötlägga nötter/ soaking nuts)
4-6 fresh dates (depending on how sweet you like them)
2 tablespoons of coconut oil and/ or ghee
2-3 tablespoons of shredded coconut (more if you like the balls a bit drier)
Cocoa powder + ground coffee OR liquorice powder + grated lemon rind and lemon juice
Salt to taste
Mix all ingredients except for the oil/
ghee in a food processor. Add the oil and mix until smooth. Form balls, roll in shredded coconut, freeze or refrigerate. Try not to eat all at once.