Thursday, 30 October 2014

PT Off Piste

I'm back in study mode at the moment, preparing for my final PT exam (the practical part was done last week). Although I am sure I would pass the exam today, I want to take the time to really let things sink in, especially the anatomy part! I know it's a cliché, but after all, I am learning for life not for the test.  

To mix things up a bit, I have started training my lab rats, I mean parents. Pappa was off to a flying start today, doing lunges like there was no tomorrow. I realised quickly though, that there was no point in training them at the same time. Herding cats would have been easier.

Inspirational poster for my male clients
After my parents left the gym, I did a few rounds with the weights myself, then walked/ ran home. My new "thing" is to go out of my way to walk on uneven surfaces. As much as I enjoy pumping iron, I do prefer my exercise to be as natural, fun and functional as possible. So off I went, galloping across a field, on the grass next to the path and off piste through the woods. If people thought I was nuts before...

Who knew that a ditch could be so much FUN?

---------------------Å SÅ PÅ SVENSKA---------------------

Japp, då var det pluggdags igen, inför det sista provet på PT-utbildningen. Jag antar att jag skulle klara det galant om jag tentade av det idag, men jag tar lite extra tid för att låta det sjunka in lite extra (speciellt anatomin!). Man lär ju för livet, som det heter!

För att lätta upp saker och ting har jag börjat agera personlig tränare åt mina föräldrar ("försökskaninerna"). Pappa var förste man till rakning och tog i för kung och fosterland. Utfall med pinne, check! Däremot så insåg jag snabbt att det inte skulle funka att träna både mamma och pappa samtidigt. De blir som barn på nytt...

Efter föräldrarna stuckit (haltat) från gymmet körde jag själv en omgång med fria vikter och sprang/ gick hem. Min nya "grej" är att gå och springa på ojämna ytor i så stor utsträcknig som möjligt, för även om gymmet är trevligt ibland så föredrar jag att röra på mig så naturligt dom möjligt. Sagt och gjort. Det blev fri galopp över ett fält, samt gång i dikesren och genom skogsnår. Kul och lagom knasigt!

Gym culture, exhibit A. #paulssonpaleo #misogynistadvertisingatitsbest

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Today's lab rat: daddy dearest. Dagens försökskanin: stackars pappa. He he he. #paulssonpaleo #pt #mfgruppen

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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Contract and Cake

Boom, and my parents' house has been sold. That was quick! But since we've still got a month and a bit before we start moving into the new place, it hasn't really hit us yet. 

Although I wanted to keep it clean (food-wise), my parents voted for a proper cream cake from the bakery. One cannot sign away one's home while nibbling on paleo approved ketoballs, apparently. 

We've now got half a "prinsesstårta" left in the fridge. Pappa gets to eat it aaaaaall on his own. Let's just say he's pretty chuffed. 

------- å så en snabbis på svenska! ------

Hepp, och så var mammas och pappas hus sålt. Jisses vad snabbt det gick! Vi har nog inte riktigt fattat det än, tur att vi har mer än en månad på oss att flytta till det nya huset. 

Jag ville ju givetvis köra på vanliga paleospåret inför kontraktsskrivningen, men blev nedröstad av mina föräldrar. Prinsesstårta blev det alltså. Man kan tydligen inte servera ketobollar till vem som helst...

Nu har vi iallafall lite ovanliga gäster i kylen som pappa får äta upp alldeles själv. He he he, vilken lycka. 
Cream cake and her dairy pal are feeling a bit left out in the cold...
Prinsessan o grädden känner sig lite utfrysta...

If you're going to eat cake, do it in style. Buying cake for the contract signing later today. #paulssonpaleo #proteinballsapparentlydontcutit #faileo

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Saturday, 11 October 2014

Viewings and Chow

While I've been happily immersing myself in functional movement in a gym, my parents have been slaving away at home, preparing to sell the house. Things suddenly got a bit hectic, now that we've found a fantastic place out in the sticks and now need to sell this house. It's been go, go, go for a few weeks now, whipping the house and garden into shape for photos and tomorrow's viewings.

It's good to be home though, eating food off proper plates and not from glass jars. Despite a rather full on cleaning day, we managed to eat pretty darn well. And tomorrow, while potential buyers are viewing the house, we'll be treating ourselves to brunch in a restaurant. :-)

Omelette with home cured bacon, lingonberries and salad. Fermented beetroot juice, don't ask...

Home pickled herring in paleo mayo, with salad and cold sweet potatoes.

Salmon fillets wrapped in smoked salmon, salad (we like kraut, yeah), paleo mayo sauce and some cold rice.

Keep your fingers crossed for us tomorrow!

No-one wanted to join me for a swim! #paulssonpaleo

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Taking every chance to go barefoot before autumn finds me. #paulssonpaleo #barefootingit

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Functional workout of the day: putting the finishing touches on our parents' house before tomorrow's viewings. Exciting times! #paulssonpaleo #movingtothepropersticks

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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Friday, 3 October 2014

Trigger Point(less)

Wow. Where have the last three weeks gone? Commute, class, work out, eat, class, study, commute, eat, sleep. Repeat. Whoop!

I've been extremely impressed with the course so far. The teachers are extremely knowledgable and have FIRE in their bellies. The coursework takes me out of my comfort zone on a daily basis (anatomy, anyone?).

However, the key takeaway from this week is the distance I have put between me and my old life. That - not so exact - distance can be measured in my shoulders' trigger points.

You see, we learned a few handy massage techniques in the last days and some of them focused on the little knots (trigger points) that so many of us develop in our muscles, preferably in our shoulders when we're have a stressful desk job.

Ever since I started working I've had stiff, knotted, painful shoulders. At one point it got so bad that I lost all sensation in my right index finger. At another point, my shoulder gave me so much grief that I couldn't sleep properly for months. Let's just say I was expecting to be the perfect lesson in locating trigger points.

I wasn't. Actually, I SUCKED as an example. Even the teacher struggled to find much.

THAT's how far I've come.

My face after two days of kneading

Friday morning trigger point face. #paulssonpaleo #mf_gruppen #primal #paleo

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Wednesday, 1 October 2014