Wednesday 4 February 2015

Walkabout In Simlångsdalen

I needed a bit of "me time" today, so I went off on my own this morning. The woods around here are seemingly endless, with loads of trails to discover. So far I've walked a few of the marked trails around our place, straying into the undergrowth a few times with the help of the GPS.

Trail art. The red dot with attitude.
Trailing off into the undergrowth is perhaps not the wisest thing given that it's still hunting season, but I'm hoping they'll spot my red ski jacket before they shoot...

I'm keen to familiarise myself with the surroundings, so that I can share the magic of this place with our friends, family and other guests in the future. I'm starting with the roads and marked trails to get comfortable enough to find my own unmarked paths. The season is ideal for this "exercise", as the leafless trees and snowy ground make it easier to get a feel for the terrain.

Spot the river! And what may or may not be an island... Oooh, the suspense!
My favourite part of the woods is and will probably always be the river and its waterfalls. I can't wait to discover all its twists and turns!

Part of the "Danish Falls": legend has it some Danish soldiers fell into the river here in the 1600s

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