Thursday 21 November 2013

Chai Latte

I regularly meet up with other mothers in different cafés in North London and I am invariably that awkward person who asks for a variation of what is on the menu (remove this, add that) or asks for something that isn't on the menu, for example cream to go with my americano. The Sacred café in Highbury has cream to go with their tasty coffee (yay!). Lately, however, I have been hit by the irresistible smell of chai latte when I enter. A couple of weeks ago, I gave in and had a chai latte with a minimal amount of honey. It was amazingly flavoursome and felt really seasonal! It got me thinking that I must be able to make a paleo version of the drink.

So last night I tried making chai latte with egg milk and no added honey... Simon and Cecilia were my willing tasters. I ground spices with my pestle and mortar (clove, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom), roughly based on the recipe from Show me the curry. Then boiled them with a little water and popped in a roibos tea bag - it was evening after all. Then I made egg milk with two eggs, hot water, coconut oil and butter, nice and frothy after using my immersion blender. Put it all together and it looked and smelled amazing.

The experiment went wrong somewhere, because it didn't taste of very much even though we were left with mugs full of spices once we had finished the drinks. Not bad for a first try, but more experimenting is needed!

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